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Rc.No. 71/RMSA/2013                                                                  Dated:  25.03.2013.

Sub:- SE- RMSA- Release of 1st installment of Central Share as Grant-in-aid to the AP Secondary Educational Society, Hyderabad towards implementation of RMSA Programme in AP for the year 2012-13 – Release of School Annual Grant  at school level – Reg.

Read:- 1. Lr.No.F.1-85/2012-RMSA.I, dt: 21-12-2012 received from the Under Secretary, GOI, MHRD, New Delhi.
           2. Lr.No. F.1-85/2012-RMSA-1(General), (SCSP) & (STSP), Dt: 26.02.2013from the Under Secretary to GOI, MHRD, New Delhi.
           3.This office Proc.Rc.No. 1135/RMSA/2011, dated 30.11.2011.

          All the Headmasters/Principals and Chairmen of School Management Development Committees of indentified Secondary Schools in the state  are informed that the GOI vide reference 1st read above have approved and communicated the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2012-13 recurring interventions for implementation during the year 2012-13 and released 1st installment of Central Share. Out of that the available unspent balances under recurring Grants and as per the instructions of the GoI, MHRD, New Delhi, the following component wise amounts are sanctioned and allocated for utilization to each of the 10368   Secondary Schools in the state towards School Annual Grant in the State:  

Total amount sanctioned & released 
Repair/replacement of laboratory equipment and purchase of lab consumables for Govt. school.

Expenditure shall be borne from the available balance amounts of Annual grants released by this office to secondary  schools (for the year 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12) earlier.

  • Equipments for teaching geography as elective.
  • Drawing equipments & painting materials.
  • Maps, charts specified instruments & appliances.
  • Sports equipments etc.
  • To meet petty and contigent expenditure like organizing meetings, conveyance, stationery.
Purchase of books for the library as per the guidelines. 
Rs. 5,000/-
Water&Electricity charges, Telephone charges, Internet charges other rates & taxes
Rs. 10,000/-
Rs. 15,000/-

Therefore the C&DSE and Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, Hyderabad is pleased to accord sanction and release of an amount of Rs.15,000/- (rupees fifteen thousands only) towards School Annual Grants for 10368 Secondary Schools in the State   directly to the SMDC accounts by way of ECS system through SBI, Red Hills Branch, Hyderabad.

The grant shall be incurred on the recurring components approved under annual plan 2012-13 as per framework for implementation of RMSA. Diversion of funds from Recurring (Grant-in-aid General) to Non-Recurring (Grants for creation of capital assets) and vice-verse is not permissible. The grant shall be utilized by 31.03.2013.

  The above grant should be utilized by the School Management Development Committees constituted for implementation of CSS RMSA scheme at school level in the State duly following the terms and conditions stipulated by Government of India.

(i)           Recurring costs as detailed above shall be drawn and utilized during the current financial year 2012-13.
(ii)         The grantee shall keep the amount sanctioned for RMSA under a separate bank account and maintain separate account for its disbursement and expenditure as per rules.
(iii)       It shall be utilized by the grantee only for undertaking activities as proposed in the sanction and in consonance with the norms of expenditure in the scheme.
(iv)        The assets, if any acquired wholly or substantially out of this grant should not be disposed of encumbered or utilized for purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned without obtaining prior sanction of the Government of India.
(v)          The grantee shall maintain a separate and proper account of the expenditure incurred out of the grant and the accounts so maintained shall be open to the audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or by any authority deputed by him for the purpose, as per rules and Internal Audit by the Principal Accounts Office of the Ministry or Department whenever the grantee is called upon to do so.
(vi)        The grantee shall furnish to this Department item wise statement of expenditure on a quarterly basis and other reports on physical and financial progress in approved formats. The grant will be utilized within the current financial year. The grantee will submit annual detailed progress report of the project within one month from the close of the financial year. An annual audited statement of accounts along with a certificate of utilization of the grant in GFR 19-A for the approved project duly signed by a Chartered Accountant and countersigned by an authorized signatory of the project in charge will be submitted to the Ministry within 12 months from the close of the financial year. Grantee has also to submit a copy of annual audited accounts to the office of Director General of Audit, Central Revenues, I.P., Estates, New Delhi-110002 under intimation to this Ministry. The unspent balance if any and interest accrued thereon, will have to refunded or this shall be taken into account before further installment is released.
(vii)       A register of assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the grant shall be maintained in prescribed form and a certified copy of the register in respect of the assets acquired should be sent to this Ministry not later than one month from the close of the financial year. Such copies should continue to be furnished even after the Government’s grant to the Society has ceased. The statement should relate not only to the assts     created during the year to which it relates but to all previous assets so created wholly or substantially out of Government’s grant upto the end of the period to which the return relates. For purpose of determining whether assets have been created substantially out of the Govt. grant, it is not necessary that the amount utilized out of the Government grant should exceed 50%.
(viii)     The accounts and other records of the Society shall be open to inspection by an officer of the Ministry of Human Resource Development or any other person deputed by the Ministry for this purpose.
(ix)        The grantee shall fully implement the Official Language policy of the Union Government i.e., it shall fully comply with Official Language Act 1963 and Official Language (Use for the official purpose of the Union) Rules 1976 etc.,
(x)          In case the implementing society employing more than twenty person on a regular basis, the provision for reservation for scheduled caste, and scheduled tribes and OBCs in posts and services of the organization will be made as per the State Government rules.
(xi)        Amount will be subject to adjustment against future grants on the basis of expenditure in Audited Accounts for this financial year.
(xii)      Existing staff of the State Govt., should be optimally utilized. The Principal work of project implementation shall be on the mainstream administrative establishment at State and district levels. Staff should be appointed only on contractual basis.
(xiii)     The guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time regarding monitoring management, and financial control and other procedure would be followed in the execution of the Programme.
(xiv)      Any other relevant condition specified in General Financial Rules 2005 as amended from time to time would be followed.

Further the norms prescribed by GOI on School infrastructure, learning resources, teachers and others from Para 4.1 to 4.8 and from Para 8.3.1 to 8.3.7 on management structure at school level for implementation of RMSA Scheme at school level is herewith enclosed. They are also requested to communicate the same to all the Headmasters of Government Secondary Schools to strictly adhere to the instructions/norms immediately.

Further they should follow the guidelines and instructions issued in the reference 2nd read above to incur the item No. 1 and 2 as mentioned above except Science kits for which separate guidelines will be issued during the next financial year earmarking the budget.

A copy of the list of identified 10368 Secondary Schools in which School Annual Grants are released   are herewith communicated for further necessary follow up action in the matter.

 Encl:- as above
                       Sd/- V. USHA RANI, I.A.S.,
         Commissioner & Director of School Education
                                                          and Ex-Officio Project Director RMSA (FAC)
All the Headmasters/Principals and Chairmen of identified SMDCs in the state (as per the list enclosed) through the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio District Project Coordinators, RMSA concerned in the State.
Copy to all the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio District Project Coordinators, RMSA in the State.
Copy to all the Collectors and District Magistrates and Chairmen Executive Committee District level, RMSA in the State.
Copy to all the RJDSEs in the State for information and to take necessary follow up action in the matter.

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